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added /resources to pyinstaller updated objdict_schema to YAML 1.2

Thomas Nadovich requested to merge feature/yaml-fix into devel


  • Added resources folder to pyinstaller build
  • Updated format of objdict_schema.yaml to YAML 1.2

What to focus on

  • pyinstaller needs to be explicitly told about non-python data files, such as the schema and template files in the resources folder. I added these with the handy --add-data flag in the Makefile
  • Changed all the bools in objdict_generate/resources/objdict_schema.yaml from yes/no to true/false. Our new locked version of PyKwalify (1.8.0) interprets .yaml files acording to YAML 1.2. This wouldn't be an issue, except that objdict_schema.yaml uses the strings yes and no to indicate boolian true/false, and support for that is dropped in 1.2.
  • Specified the default YAML loader when calling load on the input file. This used to be done as a default in older versions, but now needs to be declared explicitly in the version we're using now (6.0)



Merge request reports
