• Chris Woodall's avatar
    - Split up p386 sub programs and changed calibrate so it should work with... · d449efda
    Chris Woodall authored
    - Split up p386 sub programs and changed calibrate so it should work with latest calibration program from mfg-scripts
    - Added ability to reset a node then reset a second node and lock that (for when program + bootloader id are out of sync)
    - Fixed thermistor scaling
    - Added reset other-ids to reset
    - added FET thermistor to spin motor printout
    - Spin motor can now take negative torques
    - Spin motor Exits properly on failure to communicate
    - Increased delay for calibrating gains
    - Added heartbeat command for enabling and disable heartbeats
    - converted the spin_motor options to arguments
    - Added REAL32 support to parse_data
    - Added unpack_message for unpacking bytes into data with REAL32, INTEGER and UNSIGNED support
    - Added a yes to all option for inspection program which always accepts defaults
    - Removed calibration from inspection program.
    - Inspection now fails on first error with an prompt to continue.
    - Updated thermistor test to test both internal thermistor and FET.
    - Inspection for p386 now returns a non zero exit code on failure
    - Added pipfile for pipenv support
    - make develop and make lock added
    - combine bumpversion.cfg into setup.cfg
    - Added update_config command for updateing the config file
    - Added setup_inspection command
    - removed username and password options from download_artifacts
    - Added a command for setting gitlab token in the config file (gl_token)
    - Inspection now requires an id argument
    - Added new mosfet test od entries
    - Updated inspection artifacts to named artifacts (dict instead of list)
    - Added a ConditionalSpinner type to utils
    - Made jtag commands fail in a way that can be captured when using invoke
    - Fixed reset_all
    - Added support for named artifacts in artifacts.toml file (dict based)
    - Added fet thermistor test
    - FIxed inspection fet test for p386