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Adding fault support for main board faults

Chris Woodall requested to merge feature/adding-fault-support into devel


Adding fault support for main board faults by adding:

  • RegisterFaultCallback() and SubscribeToFaults() to RobotClient
  • Adding the Faults and MainBoardFault types to MsgTypes.
  • Adding documentation on how to use to SubscribeToFaults() (see below)
  • Added /info/faults to BurtSharp.CoAP.Constants

Example usage:

// Set up communication with the robot and initialize force/torque to zero
RobotClient robot = new RobotClient ();
robot.SubscribeToServerUpdate (OnReceiveServerUpdate);
robot.SubscribeToRobotStatus (status => {
    Barrett.Logger.Debug(Barrett.Logger.INFO, "Handedness: {0}", status.handedness);
    Barrett.Logger.Debug(Barrett.Logger.INFO, "Outerlink: {0}", status.outerlink);
    Barrett.Logger.Debug(Barrett.Logger.INFO, "IsPatientConnected?: {0}", status.patient);

// Register a fault callback on MainBoardFault.EStopPressed events. This calls
// the lambda function presented which prints a message to the terminal. These 
// functions can be class methods too and delegats, not just lambdas. But must
// take arguments of a MainBoardFault, and a bool and return void.
robot.RegisterFaultCallback(MainBoardFault.EStopPressed, (code, is_set) => { 
    Barrett.Logger.Debug(Barrett.Logger.INFO, "{0} is set?: {1}\n", code, is_set);

robot.RegisterFaultCallback(MainBoardFault.EStopLatched, (code, is_set) => { 
    Barrett.Logger.Debug(Barrett.Logger.INFO, "{0} is set?: {1}\n", code, is_set);

robot.RegisterFaultCallback(MainBoardFault.NotInHomingPositionAtStartup, (code, is_set) => { 
    Barrett.Logger.Debug(Barrett.Logger.INFO, "{0} is set?: {1}\n", code, is_set);

robot.SubscribeToFaults ();

What to focus on




What issues does this fix?

  • Fixes #issue-number
Edited by Amy Blank

Merge request reports
