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Draft: Feature/geometry

Erin Mahan requested to merge feature/geometry into devel


BurtSharp.SandBox HapticObjectTest has been updated to include a HapticSurface demo. In adding this demo, and a Surface has been added to the HapticObjectType enum. The HapticSurface is generated using the robot tool position as an origin when a new surface is created. Stiffness can be incremented or decremented, and enable behavior can be toggled.

Furthermore, improvements have been to the HapticSurface class to manage the HapticSurface enabled status during member function ChangeSurfaceElementQuantity to depend on the enable status of the HapticObjects within the SandBox programs that contain a HapticSurface. In order to achieve this the _enabled bool within the HapticObject class has been changed from private to protected, so HapticSurface, and other inheriting classes, can access it. The HapticSurface class has been also been updated to calculate forces similarly to the HapticExtrusion class in order to calculate forces locally to the individual surface elements that the user is inside; the member function UpdateContact has been changed from private to public so HapticSurface could individual the contact status of each surface element.

What to focus on

  • Test the HapticSurface generation within the
    • HapticObjectTest BurtSharp Sandbox program.
    • HapticGeometyTest BurtSharp Sandbox program.

Merge request reports
