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Haptics and Geometry 5

Erin Mahan requested to merge feature/geometry5 into devel


Added a new HapticSurfaces class to demonstrate the potential of virtual textures that can be built from collections of HapticExtrusions. This class takes in a starting 3D origin position, an array of axes that detail the extrusion axis and the patterning axis, and the number and depth of surface elements desired to make up the surface.

This class is currently limited to a collection of extruded cylinders with a fixed radius and spacing, but could be extended to different 2D cross sections with variable spacing to create different virtual textures.

A demonstration of the HapticSurfaces class has been created and is located in the HapticGeometryTest BurtSharp.SandBox.

What to focus on

  • The new HapticSurfaces class designed to make virtual textures.
  • HapticGeometryTest program designed to test the features developed in this branch.

Merge request reports
