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Disturbance Observer Valid

Craig McDonald requested to merge feature/dist-obsv-valid into devel-ufe


Moved code for detecting spasm and user resistance from robot controller to movement analysis. Burt common knows to pause/unpause the movement analysis calculations when games are paused/unpaused.

Hitting joint stops or being in a space where the jacobian cannot be inverted makes the disturbance observer output invalid, and the movement analysis calculations will pause accordingly. Same goes for hitting joint stops and tool jerk, which triggers spasm detection.

What to focus on

  • You can test this "invalid" behavior for disturbance observer output with the sandbox DisturbanceObserverTest
  • Use the sandbox MovementAnalysisTest to test how the other movement analysis features, like spasm detection, are controlled by being at joint stops. (Will not set flag to false, but won't allow flag to be set to true.)[dyn_cfg.json]



Edited by Craig McDonald

Merge request reports
