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[UFE] Jacobian Check

Craig McDonald requested to merge feature/ufe-jacobian-check into devel-ufe


The disturbance observer uses the inverse of the Jacobian transpose to calculate the estimated disturbance force at the endpoint from the estimated disturbance in the joint torques. There are a few points in the Burt's workspace where this inversion is numerically unstable. Fortunately, this only occurs when the endpoint lies near the robot's Y-axis- which is located inside of where the user should be sitting.

I also replaced the inefficient calculation of x = A.Inverse() * b with the much faster MathNet.Numerics function x = A.Solve(b).

What to focus on

  • Use the DisturbanceObserverTest in the Sandbox to see when the disturbance estimate is valid. Press "g" to enter debugging mode where we calculate the condition number of the Jacobian transpose.
  • Does the placement of the X position cutoff kMinXPosValid make sense?
Edited by Brian Zenowich

Merge request reports
