[UFE] Jacobian Check
The disturbance observer uses the inverse of the Jacobian transpose to calculate the estimated disturbance force at the endpoint from the estimated disturbance in the joint torques. There are a few points in the Burt's workspace where this inversion is numerically unstable. Fortunately, this only occurs when the endpoint lies near the robot's Y-axis- which is located inside of where the user should be sitting.
I also replaced the inefficient calculation of x = A.Inverse() * b
with the much faster MathNet.Numerics function x = A.Solve(b)
What to focus on
- Use the DisturbanceObserverTest in the Sandbox to see when the disturbance estimate is valid. Press "g" to enter debugging mode where we calculate the condition number of the Jacobian transpose.
- Does the placement of the X position cutoff
make sense?
Edited by Brian Zenowich