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documentation update for tag 0.5.0

Amy Blank requested to merge feature/documentation into devel


Preliminary documentation was provided as a pdf to a customer through Leeman on 4/14/17. This merge request pulls the changes back into the main development path. The documentation was for tag 0.5.0 (the closest tag to the version of the Client currently used by research customers).

To build and view the pdf (note that pdflatex must be run twice):

cd proficio-client-lib-csharp
cd doc/doxygen/latex/
pdflatex refman.tex
pdflatex refman.tex
evince refman.pdf

What to focus on

All changes. Also check that everything is still accurate for the latest version of the client.



Using a custom LaTeX header with Doxygen:

This is the version that was sent to the customer: BURT_User_Guide_0-5-0.pdf


What issues does this fix?

Partially addresses #22

Merge request reports